
Atest Gas wins a grant for innovative gas detectors

Innovative project ‘Optoelectronic gas detectors with improved metrological properties, designed for industrial safety systems’.

Our company Atest Gaz is currently involved into the innovative project ‘Optoelectronic gas detectors with improved metrological properties, designed for industrial safety systems’. The project is sponsored from the Governmental Operational Project (RPO) for Silesian Province for the years 2014 to 2020, within the activity 1.2: Research studies, development and innovations in business companies.

The project is scheduled for three years with the overall budget of PLN 3,686,130.86, where the contribution from the EU funds amounts to PLN 2,221,584.27

The key objective of the project consists in R&D studies dedicated to optimization of methods for measurements of gases concentration with the use of optoelectronic components, which shall lead to development of a gas detector dedicated to industrial safety systems and offering significantly enhanced metrological properties. The innovative products shall be particularly suitable for industrial sectors, where industrial plants use the following gases:

  • ammonia,
  • methane,
  • propane,
  • hexane.
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