Control Units

Sigma Control L

Product code: PW-072-A

Sigma Control L is an advanced control unit designed for small gas detection systems (max. 20 gas detectors in one alarm zone). Responsible for controlling all the devices connected to it, and integrates them into a single system Sigma Gas. Its advantage is to provide two unique, transparent and consistent outlook presentation.

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Product description

Sigma  Control L is an advanced Control Unit for use with small size gas detection systems. It controls all the devices connected and integrates them to create a single Sigma Gas system. Sigma Control L Unit reads the status of detectors connected to the system. This information is presented on the display and the built-in Visual System Indicator. Based on gas concentration measured and other special statuses (e.g. failures), it controls outputs for visual and acoustic indicators as well as for dual outputs. Control Unit reads the status of dual input and depending on its status, controls system operation (enables or disables outputs). During operation, the unit runs cyclic self-diagnostic procedures used to detect any damage to Sigma Control L Unit and detectors. In addition, it is possible to control the NC valve.

Files to download
Catalogue cards:
Sigma Control L Control Unit - Datasheet
Download file
Users's manual:
Sigma Control L Control Unit - User Manual
Download file
CE declarations:
Sigma Control L Control Unit - Declaration of Conformity
Download file
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